Monday, February 13, 2012

Why does it always seem to be Monday?

Are there more Mondays in a week, than I remember? The weekends always pass so quickly and then oh no it's MONDAY again! Ahhh
Yesterday themanwhoholdsmyheart and I went to the theater to see "One for the Money" it was pretty good, he even enjoyed it! I've read all 18 of the Stephanie Plum series and just love the characters of Grandma Mazer and Lula. We also saw the trailers for "This Means War" a romantic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine and Tom Hardy and for "The Hunger Games". I've read the Hunger Game trilogy and found it to be great read, even though not my usual pick. Both trailers have enticed us to return to the theater to view the movie!! I'm encouraging themanwhoholdsmyheart to read the first book of the Hunger Games series just so he can get the full background info. I hope they do it well, as I said the trailer looks promising!
Oh yea themanwhoholdsmyheart just called and he's bringing home a Papa Murphy's pizza tonight!
=) It's pizza and beer! No cooking! Great to have the night off since tomorrow evening I have a special valentine's dinner planned! I'll post the menu tomorrow when I'm sure he won't be reading my blog as I want it to be a surprise!
On a final note so happy to see Adele receive so many grammys last evening.  I have her CD "21" on my mp3. I added it for "Rolling in the Deep" but have found so many more that I enjoy too. Like "Set Fire to the Rain". Her voice is amazing!!!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see Hunger Games with you guys! Hope the pizza and beer was GREAT!

