Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gray Day :-( Needs some color :-)

Check the close up photo of the lilac bush.....see it?? 
I spy with my little eye a HONEYBEE!!!
Yes almost in the center of the picture, the yellow dot is the worker bee's leg covered in pollen!
Pretty amazing!! I tried for several minutes, at least 20 or so really, to get the perfect picture of a bee with pollen covered legs, on a flower. They are fast workers, by the time I got the subject bee in the lens and focused it moved on to the next flower. Also the tiny screen on the camera was hard for my "old" eyes to get a good view of the bee and snap the picture! So I was really pleased with the results of this particular photo, the colors, the bee and the clarity came together nicely!! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see the bees are still making batches of that delicious honey!
