Monday, January 23, 2012

I just bought: 'Black & Decker D2030 Auto-Off Digital Advantage Iron' by Black & Decker

Yep it's true the headlines do not lie! I have been cursing my spendy Rowenta iron for years! "Why?" you ask, because it leaks at the most inappropriate times. Most times when I am carefully pressing a block with light color fabrics and dirty water leaks onto the block!!!!!!ahhahahhha I've had it @#$%^&!! So today after another leaking incident I went right over to the laptop and researched irons and came up with the above mentioned one, bought it from amazon for 39.00 should arrive next Monday!!  I feel good about the price and the quality. Besides the leaking the iron was over heating, wool had become my new cotton setting because @ cotton it was scorching fabrics. I only used bottle water to avoid build of minerals that really gunked up my previous iron. I had seriously been considering putting out the $$$ for an Oliso, but the reviewers still had problems with leakage on the high dollar ones. So I thought to stay in a more moderate price range and hope for the best.  Thus the sewing has really slowed down, I refuse to ruin another block, fabric or dress shirt till the new one arrives.

I have to sub at the library this week and next for the director who is taking some vacation time, so will not be at my Janome, pushing the pedal, as much as usual. I'll probably pick-up/continue reading the Queen Betsy series by Mary Janice Davidson that I started a few months back I'm ready for #4 Undead and Unreturnable, it's a humorous, sexy vampire series! I'll probably cruise the catalog too for any new quilt books and see if I can check a few out. TTFN

UPDATE: 5/14/12 The iron is working beautifully! Lots of steam when needed and very easy to fill! Keeping my fingers crossed that it continues on the smooth crisp no drip path!

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