Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's a Birthday!

Today is #2Son's Birthday, he's 23. I can remember well his day of arrival, a long day of labor and on into the evening, before he made his presence known. He was bigger than the other two at 8 lbs 1ozs., but looked a lot like his sister. Even now in baby pictures i sometimes have to look at dates to be sure which kid is which. Hard to believe he grew up so fast, my most vivid memory of him is about age 3-4 running around the house with a red band tied around his forehead over baby fine blonde hair, swinging a pretend nunchakus (it was a blue plastic toy wrench on a yellow cord) and saying "cowabunga" he was a ninja turtle!! What a cutie! So I smile when i think of this memory and send my wishes your way son for a very very Happy Birthday! I love you with all my heart....

1 comment:

  1. Aww thanks Mom! Best Mom that a boy could ask for!!! Love you!!!
