Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sold the girls!

It's a mixed bag of emotions...we hauled the heifers to the sale barn last week for the Thursday sale, now the pasture looks even sadder :( :(  TheManWhoHoldMyHeart had favorites in the herd and it was hard to see the friendly ones go, the skittish one not so much!! No longer can we use the phrase 'till the cows come home!! But, it had to be done sooner than later (usually the last week of September), the dried up pasture grasses were just not supplying all the nutrients the cows were needing and the forecast was dismal for any good rains, soooooo...
Last Saturday night the skies looked promising for rain but what we got instead was a prairie fire! The lightening was SO bright and snake like in the sky, the air was hot, no wind, just an eerie calm. TheManWhoHoldsMyHeart and I were sitting on the front porch watching and waiting for the storm to roll in, when we both noticed an unusual glow in an area where there were no town lights in the distance. When a flame of red caught my eye I said "oh my that's a fire ( I probably used more explictives but will not repeat them here, lol) we should call the fire dept.", but the hubs thought we should try the scanner first and sure enough someone had reported it and trucks were being called up! We got in the pick-up and drove to the top of a hill, a mile from our place for a better look. It was two separate fires off in the distance about 6 miles from us. Lightening continued to flash and strike all around and I was worried that more dry pastures would catch, but thankfully no. We did get a splattering of rain .10 so I'm guessing that may have helped keep the fire danger down.
This summer is "brutal" and I'm so happy to see August, 50 more days till fall!!!

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