Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Entry :)

              This is the purse I made for the Sew Sweet Purse Palooza 2012

I'm happy with the fabric choices and the size of the bag, just not quite sure about the handles. I bought them purposely for this bag pattern but now well..... I guess I'll keep'em and see if they grow on me! It was fun to sew, but sometimes I thought the directions were a little difficult to follow, very few diagrams, I like illustrations!! I'm a visual person that's why I love following tutortials from some of the blogs I follow they have great VISUALS!!! I got my purse creation in under the wire as today was the last day to submit an entry! The competition is steep, you are allowed to submit 2 photos of a purse and when I and TheManWhoHoldsMyHeart finally got my entry to post there were 650+ entries so that means approx. 350 purse entries!!!!!!!!!! Lots and lots of GREAT bags!!!

I took a little break while DD, TheOther#1Son and his girl K were visiting over the 4th of July holiday and following weekend. We had lots of great family time, swimming, playing board games (played two new ones called "Ticket to Ride" and "Zombie Dice", very fun!), grilling, and visiting! While DD was here we even got in some sewing on her Corn and Beans quilt! We placed the blocks up on the design wall and gave it a good look at and decide it needed something????? DD thought blue so she cut some blue pieces and I sewed them together and YES that was it! What do you think?


  1. I like those handles on your purse! The Corn and Beans quilt is looking good with the addition of blue. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

  2. The purse looks great! The handles have maybe a little more of a reddish cast than the purple in the purse, but it's still cute. I'd say use them on there for a while and then if they still bother you, well, you'll just have to sew another purse to match them-- darn. ;)

  3. I love this purse. It's so bright and cheerful.
