Monday, June 18, 2012

Second chance

I've had these photos saved on desk top for a few days + a few more, finally getting them posted and written about, directed purposely to K, TheOther#1Son's best girl! Last year when she graduated from KSU and had to leave Manhattan for nursing school up in Wisconsin, and TheOther#1Son had to move also to a studio apartment, they no longer had a balcony to grow their potted plants, that they started earlier in the spring. So we inherited a tomato plant and various other potted plants :) But it was a hot dry summer and the hopeful tomato blossoms only yielded a few small tomatos and then died. (I think the roots cooked in the pot) Well they jokingly said they would have to rethink leaving any future grandkids with us as we "killed their tomato plant". I think though the above photo will help to redeem our image as caring grands!! The above flower is also one of the plants left in our care and it has not only lived over the winter, it has grown so well it had to be divided (yep it flourished in our care! wink, wink) with a portion returned to the original pot and the division portion planted in a second larger pot!!!!!!! So.......are we back on the list K? I'll bet we got moved to the TOP!!! XD