Saturday, October 20, 2012

A new critter! ribit ribit

Meet Jeb or Jed, I haven't decided yet! But he's the new doorstop for my bedroom door. The fabric is very vintage, it's cut from the painting smock my mom made, for me, when I started kindergarten! That's OLD!
My great grandmother use to make these back when I was in grade school, or maybe junior high, that parts a bit fuzzy, but she sewed up several for all us grandkids. My mom found a few of our frogs still around the house and decided to create a frog menagerie of her own, but couldn't find great grandma's pattern. So she tried her hand at drawing her own, but wasn't quite satisfied with the outcome, I did a little searching on line and found one that looked pretty similar so made copies of the pattern and we both went about sewing a frog with personality. Mom's are so much more expressive she added tongues and put a bug button on the tongue, plus felted toenails and then like me added a hat. These were so fun to make and I can see sewing up a few more in a bit smaller size, for a bean bag toss game, for the grandkids, someday.


  1. I love your frog!!! Can you share the pattern source?

  2. Cool! I definitely remember playing with those at Grandma's when we were little! So neat that you were able to reuse fabric from kindergarten times!
