Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tis the season!!!

These two were visitors on Thursday morning and again on Friday morning, right outside our bedroom door! She wasn’t much interested in his stuff on Thursday, but on Friday they made whoopee out front, up on the driveway!
After this early morning wake up call, he belted out his gobble gobble right outside the screen door and we were sleeping with the glass door open!!! We decided to get up and have coffee out on the front porch. Well let me tell you all the birds were in a feathering the nest mood!! Pairing up and mating flights everywhere. We should have lots of “tweetering” all around in about a month. It was a beautiful morning, light winds, just the right temp and clear skies! So thank you turkeys we had a great early morning!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool! I never heard this story! What a site lol!

