Tuesday, May 1, 2012

MAY DAY! (If you catch 'em you get a kiss)

So happy to see May! Does anyone out there still deliver May baskets? I'd like to but living in the country makes it hard to sneak up on anyone, plus all the people I'd like to send May baskets to live too far away!! Long ago when I was in kindergarten I helped some neighbor girls deliver little paper cups with pipe cleaner handles, of candy, to unsuspecting neighbors. We had such fun!!!!!! Only once since then do I remember a May Day delivery. Who was first I don't remember, but who got caught I remember that! Any guesses TheOther#1Son????? Our neighbor across the street, Shirley, left some Star War toys no longer used by her son, on the porch for our Star Wars addict! So either he put a cup of candy on her porch or she put the Star Wars toys on ours first, as I said I just don't remember, but I do know who got caught and who got a kiss!! Sometimes us more mature women are thought to be slow, but we can surprise!!!! ;-)
After speaking on the phone with #1Son about the above May day happening he said he remembers some tears from TheOther#1Son when he got caught by Shirley! Is his memory correct? Or has island living turned #1Son's brain to poi???? Please comment TheOther#1Son......


  1. haha I don't remember any tears??? Maybe tears of joy from Star Wars toys hehe! After I got them, you reminded me to go out and look for who might have left it, and right as I came back out she was "sneaking away" and so I know I at least hugged her, I don't remember the May Day kiss haha.

    On a side note: #1Son's brain turned to poi long before the island :D

    1. So noted!!! Boy I guess I'm in need of a memory upgrade. You don't remember Shirley catching you!?
