Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Almost Spring (7 days to go)

Almost a Grandma too!! 20 days till DD's due date of April 2nd!

Today will feel like we are on our way to Spring.. 57 degrees! 71 degrees Thursday and wait for it..... 77 degrees on Friday!!! I'll get to open windows and let the breeze blow through! It feels so alive to have windows open!! TheManWhoHoldsMyHeart purchased seed potatoes on Monday and some Nasturtium flower seeds on Tuesday. While in Hawaii, yes we were just there last month (February 14-20)! It was wonderful to getaway, but so difficult to come back to over a foot of snow!!! aagguh!
But while there our daughter-in-law D, married to #1Son, served us a fresh greens salad with a single nasturtium blossom, from her flower pot garden! It was so pretty, edible and had a subtle peppery taste. D is really into box gardening and garnishing salads with edible flowers! So I want to give my greens salad that same pretty edible touch!!!! We had great lettuce from our garden last year so with the fresh greens, and other garden additions I want to also garnish with Nasturtium blossoms!

I leave you today with a few of the 80 pictures from our Hawaii vaca! Aloha!


  1. 77 degrees!??! I'm so jealous! Can't wait to try some nasturtiums this summer (lol, you should have seen what autocorrect just turned that sentence into... thank god I caught it before posting, lets just say it was not fit for a fine, family-friendly blog like yours, mama.)

    1. Hello Sassafras! Thanks for dropping by! Yes we will dine on flower blossoms this summer!!
      Autocorrect can do some crazy stuff?! Lol I can only imagine ;)

  2. Love the pics Mommer! Your picture of the banana reminded me I was gonna tell you we repotted it the other day! It was a struggle! But it's already put out two new leaves and a baby off-shoot. We named the banana tree Chuck, haha.

    1. Chuck, huh! I think "she" looks like a Penelope! haha You'll have to send me a pic of the bananas when they come!!
