Thursday, May 3, 2012

Flip Flops & Flowers

I still like to call them "thongs" just to make my kids squirm! XD  Especially the youngest he would exclaim "MOM they're flip flops!" I'm sure the mental image of his Mom in a thong was pretty appauling,... disgusting,.... um..sick---it is to me now too, so let's move on. But growing up in the 60's that's what they were called, so I sometimes let it slip and go back to my childhood summers of rubber thongs! Hehe The styles and colors now for flip flops are endless and the tutorials for creating your own are out there if you google it! I've had two styles I've wanted to try bookmarked for a while and finally got around to creating my own yesterday, aren't the knots cute, not so much the feet... and I love purple!!

 Do these look familiar K? We made a pair, with a different fabric and flip flop selection, for TheOther#1Son's girl K when she was here back in March. I also tried another style with ruffles attached to a triangular fabric piece but they just looked wrong so I scraped them. These are also really comfortable, the only tweaking needed is a better way to keep the knot on the underside from pulling through as they wear. Still contemplating that design flaw.... I am keeping this pair for wearing in the house, sort of as summer slippers.
Now for the beautiful spring bouquet, of fresh cut flowers,
setting on the kitchen island!
Just gorgeous and the kitchen smells wonderful.  ENJOY!


  1. Ooooo pretty flowers! Those are blooming at home right now? I wish I could make it back and see it!

    1. yes the peonies are out front,by the porch and the iris are down by the dock and on the south side of the house.

  2. I love those thongs ;). They are very k-state like!!!
