My accomplishments for the day (thus far) in no particular order:
1. Shaved my legs so my capri shorts don't look like I'm wearing leggings!!( really wooly ones!)
2. Made and canned Pumpkin Apple Butter, found recipe at while looking for a way to use up applesauce that has been in the freezer since last fall, and the pumpkin was from there too! It's so yummy! I slathered (I used that word for you ManWhoHoldsMyHeart) some on a slice of toasted french bread, oh this recipe is a keeper in my on-line recipe box.
3. Cleaned the oven! Easy since I have a self-cleaning one,(oh wouldn't I love, love, love self-cleaning toilets!!!!!) but always have to wait for a day when I can open the house, it always makes a horrible smell, from all the oven spills getting incinerated! ugh :$
4. Applesauce Bars--I want to try a new recipe from the above mentioned recipe site, also found when looking for a way to use up still more applesauce in the freezer, it was just a marginal year last year for apples, but since we have so few kids around home now, I bake less. :(
5. Finished my book, Undead and Undermined by MaryJanice Davidson #10 in the series, #11 Undead and Unstable comes out in June. =) Now maybe I can get some stuff done, you know how books can monopolize your time!! I'm always taking 10 minutes here and 20 minutes there, I set the oven timer so I will be reminded to get back to the task at hand but sometimes I just have to take mmmm just 5 more minutes!!!!!! TheManWhoHoldsMyHeart read Hunger Games on our New Orleans trip and now he wants to go on to book 2 Catching Fire. I told him it was good-- it just took me purchasing a paperback copy for our trip and him some uninterrupted time to really get into it! Now we're ready to see the movie on opening weekend March 23rd. I think we will go to Manhattan and take TheOther#1Son with us since he is the one responsible for getting me to finally read the trilogy!!
Well it's time to mix-up and bake those applesauce bars in the CLEAN oven!! TTFN
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