Sunday, January 15, 2012

Jeanneke's Houses from Scraps challenge!

Finally!! It took long enough, here are some photos of my house blocks each little house finishes at about 3 inches and its a challenge to get used to working with such small pieces. A very good way to use up scraps though!
 Here's a close up view of one of the blocks!
I am participating in the challenge to have some fun and use up as many of my scraps as possible. Plus I want to use only fabric that I have on hand, so the yellow border and flower print are in my stash in amounts of unknown yardage. So when I run out that's where I'll stop with the quilt size. Some participants are making a block a day a pretty lofty goal! My goal will be as many as are possible with the above stated fabric restriction and one every other day..or so! They are fun to sew and I'm having a good time looking through all my scraps, and putting together combos that please my artsy fartsy color pallet! My best quilting bud in Iowa gives me scraps in all the gifts she sends, she uses them like packing bubbles, so they have a double purpose and I love getting them as much as the special gifts she crafts.
My husband, whom I will from here on refer to as TheManwhoholdsmyHeart helped me with the uploading of the pics tonight! Thank you dear you showed such patience and didn't roll your eyes at me as I asked you to show me again, please.  (and probably again and again in the future till I really get it!)

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